Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ready to Preach

A selection from a letter by C. H. Spurgeon to his congregation, the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, England, while he was recuperating from illness in Mentone, France. He was soon to return to the pulpit and anticipated with joy the privilege of preaching the gospel once again. The letter was written January 22, 1891.

I am glad that I am so near returning to you, for I am feeling ready and even eager to engage once more in the happy work of proclaiming the gospel to the crowd. This week’s printed sermon will assure you that I stand by the old standard; and I am all the more bound to do so when I note the new developments of error, of which I am bound to say that they seem form different points of view as horrible as ludicrous. There is no telling what we shall hear next; but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.

The Suffering Letters of C. H. Spurgeon, annotations by Hannah Wyncoll, The Wakeman Trust, 2007, p. 77.

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