Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From a Prison to a Palace

A selection from a letter by the Welsh Protestant preacher, Christopher Love, to his wife, on the day before his execution by the English government. He was found guilty of treason because he was of Presbyterian persuasion. Other Puritans would be ejected from the Church of England but Love was tried and put to death. He left four children behind with another soon to be born. In writing he revealed great love and care for his wife and demonstrated confidence and faith in Christ. The letter was written from the Tower of London, August 22, 1651.

I am now going from a prison to a palace. I have finished my work, I am now to receive my wages. I am now going to heaven where are two of my children, and leaving thee on the earth where are three of my babes. Those two above need not my care, but the three below need thine. It comforts me to think two of my children are in the bosom of Abraham and three of them will be in the arms and care of so tender a godly mother.

I know thou art a woman of a sorrowful spirit, yet be comforted; though thy sorrow be great for thy husband's going out of the world, yet the pains shall be the less in bringing thy child into the world. Thou shalt be a joyful mother, though thou beest a sad widow. God hath many mercies in store for thee; the prayers of a dying husband for thee will not be lost. To my shame I speak it: I never prayed so much for thee at liberty as I have done in prison…

Dear wife, farewell. I will call thee wife no more. I shall see thy face no more, yet I am not much troubled for now I am going to meet the Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom I shall be eternally married.

A Spectacle Unto God: The life and death of Christopher Love, by Don Kistler, Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 1994.

1 comment:

Predestined said...

What a testimony to the Lord. This is an exceptional piece written by a man at complete peace. May we be ever ready to sacrifice all for the sake of Christ. Happy new year, Dean. Keep up the excellent work of reading and posting these prayers and letters.