Monday, June 9, 2008

Ignorance of the Gospel

A selection from a letter by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, to his daughter Elizabeth, and her husband, Fred Catherwood, written on April 5. 1954:

I went to Birmingham on Tuesday and preached to a congregation called together by the Welsh community. I preached on the Woman of Samaria. I was amazed myself how readily it lent itself to the occasion as the condition of the Samaritans was so similar to that of modern Wales – Nationalism, interest in religion and theology and preaching etc., and yet ignorance of the gospel in any living and vital sense. I felt I was given much liberty and authority.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Letters 1919-1981, Selected with Notes, by Iain H. Murray, Banner of Truth, 1994, p. 117.

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