Tuesday, July 19, 2011

He Exhorts His Fellow Sinners

A portion of a letter by James Haldane to his ten year-old daughter, Elizabeth. He and his friend, John Campbell, were away preaching in the northern part of Scotland. He told her about a man that had been converted on a previous trip they had made to the north, who had lost both his hands "by the going off of a gun." This convert was most thankful for the goodness of God in sparing his life that he might come to know Christ. The letter was written June 22, 1805.

He was brought to a knowledge of the truth, by a sermon of Mr. Campbell's, the last time we were north. We did not find him at home, but just as we were setting off, after dinner, he came running to see us, and appears to be very happy in waiting for the coming of Jesus. He occasionally exhorts his fellow-sinners, and sometimes holds out his arms, and calls their attention to the goodness of God, in not allowing him to die when he was ignorant of Christ.

The Lives of Robert and James Haldane, by Alexander Haldane, first published in 1852, reprinted by The Banner of Truth, 1990, p. 349.

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