Tuesday, June 22, 2010

He Has Brought Us Here

A letter written by Ann Judson, wife of Adoniram Judson, missionary to Burma, to her sisters. The hardships of missionary life were great, and she longed to see them again and visit with them, but there was much work to do for Christ. She shares some of their goals in this letter, written in December of 1815.

On how I long to visit Bradford; to spend a few evenings by your firesides, in telling you what I have seen and heard. Alas! We have no fireside, no social circle. We are still alone in this miserable country, surrounded by thousands ignorant of the true God… But we still feel happy in our employment, and have reason to thank God that he has brought us here. We do hope to live to see the Scriptures translated into the Burman language, and a church formed from among these idolaters.

The Three Mrs. Judsons, by Arabella W. Stuart, first published in 1851, reprinted by Particular Baptist Press, 1999, pp. 37-38.

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