Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Gospel Message

A selection from a letter written by William Carey to Andrew Fuller in England, one of the pastors who faithfully supported the ministry of Carey in India. It contains a sample of the way Carey preached the glorious gospel of Christ. His report to Fuller shows the great missionary in action. The letter was written in November, 1800.

You and I, and all of us are Sinners, and we are in a helpless state but I have good things to tell you. God in the riches of his Mercy became incarnate, in the form of Man. He lived more than thirty years on the earth without Sin and was employed in doing good. He gave sight to the Blind, healed the Sick, the lame, the Deaf and the Dumb – and after all died in the stead of Sinners. We deserved the wrath of God, but he endured it. We could make no sufficient atonement for our guilt but he completely made an end of Sin and now he has sent us to tell you that the Work is done and to call you to faith in, and dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, leave your vain customs, and false gods, and lay hold of eternal Life through him.

The Journal and Selected Letters of William Carey, collected and edited by Terry G. Carter, Smyth & Helwys, 2000, p. 149.

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