Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thinking Too Lightly of the Conversion of Sinners

A selection from a letter by Mary Winslow (1774-1854). No name or date is given but what a convicting letter regarding the lack of general concern believers have for the lost. She points to her own carelessness and then exhorts her correspondent, as well as herself, to be a faithful witness for Christ.

I think the best of God's saints think too lightly of the conversion of sinners; and I take shame to myself that it has not had the influence upon my own mind that it ought to have had. Oh, how much and how deeply have I had cause to mourn over my lack of faithfulness to an immortal soul I knew was traveling the downward road that leads to eternal death; and yet, from fear of offending, have withheld the truth, or have merely satisfied myself with some general hints, unsatisfactory and unconvincing! Did we really believe that ever unconverted person we met with dying so, would be lost forever, should we not be in earnest to warn that soul to flee from the wrath to come? Should we not avail ourselves of every favourable opportunity of praying for them, expostulating with them, and beseeching them to consider their latter end and turn to the Lord that they might be saved? I know there is much wisdom to be exercised to know how and when to speak, all of which the Lord will give to those who are earnest in asking for it. May the Lord make us faithful, myself in particular.

Heaven Opened: A Selection from the Correspondence of Mrs. Mary Winslow, edited by her son, Octavius Winslow, 1864, reprinted by Reformation Heritage Books, 2001, pp. 175-76.

1 comment:

Chris Poe said...

Must I be carried to the skies
On flow'ry beds of ease,
While others fought to win the prize,
And sailed through bloody seas?

Oh that we would be faithful in sharing the good news.