A selection from a letter by Mary Winslow (1774-1854). Joel Beeke says that her letters are "a rich treasury of experiential and practical divinity." Widowed at 40 and left to raise nine children, three of whom became faithful ministers of the gospel, Mrs. Winslow knew God's Word and gave sweet counsel to her many correspondents. She once encouraged her son, Octavius, to fill his sermons with Christ, from first to last. She followed that same practice in writing letters. No date is given for this letter nor is the recipient known, but she warned of Satan's devices and set forth Christ as the only refuge.
Satan will keep us poring over our difficulties until they grow into mountains in our imagination. We have but a very imperfect idea of Satan's power and malice towards us. Our only help is to flee at once to our Stronghold, our Refuge, our Hiding-place, where alone we are safe. Oh, how safe! We may hear the lion roar, but he cannot reach us. Sheltered beneath the wing of Jesus we can defy his malice and his power. What does the Lord try us for but to carry on our spiritual education, and thus mature us for our glorious inheritance above?
Heaven Opened: A Selection from the Correspondence of Mrs. Mary Winslow, edited by her son, Octavius Winslow, 1864, reprinted by Reformation Heritage Books, 2001, pp. 253-54.